Hello July and hello summer!! We love summer here at Evelyn Kay Club. The sun is brighter, the days longer and the iced teas sweeter! We hope you are enjoying sun kissed shoulders, sundresses and long swims.

We wanted to share some simple tips to stay healthy and enjoy yourself this summer

Make sure you drink plenty of water! Staying hydrated is key.

Enjoy the sun but not too much! Sun is great to stimulate vitamin D production but make sure to use a natural sunscreen. You can even wear a stylish hat to shade yourself if need be.

If you do get too much sun, use aloe vera. Straight from the plant itself is best and so refreshing!

Eat local and seasonal fruits and vegetables. Summer is a great time of year to sample wonderful local produce. Farmers markets abound, take advantage of them!

Don’t Stink. It’s hot, sweating is good but stinking is not. Use Evelyn Kay Club to stop the stink. And by using EKC, you don’t have to worry about nasty chemicals…we are all natural, just like the sunshine!

Wishing you all a fun filled summer from all of us here at Evelyn Kay Club!