We LOVE supporting and giving back to organizations that help people fighting cancer. We were recently inspired by the story of child named Mitch and how the PinkySwear foundation came to be.

Mitch was a nine year old boy with bone cancer. While in the hospital, he overheard the family next to him discussing how there wasn’t enough money to celebrate Christmas that year. Listening to this family’s plight, the little hero asked his dad if they could go get his money out of the bank. His dad agreed, put Mitch in his wheelchair and took him to the bank.

Mitch took all the money out of his savings and put it in envelopes which he signed “Love, Mitch XOXOXO.” He went around the pediatric oncology floor and personally delivered these envelopes to the kids on the floor. He loved doing this so much, he asked if they could do it the next year. WIth Mitch’s prognosis a grim one, his dad was honest and said that he probably wouldn’t be around for the next christmas season. Mitch made his dad pinky swear that he would carry on and “do it forever”. Mitch passed away that April and since that Spring of 2003, The Pinky Swear Foundation has provided more than $4.5 million dollars in financial support and quality of life assistance for kids and families fighting cancer.

The Pinky Swear foundation also encourages other kids to volunteer to help other kids. They hold a triathlon every year for kids to train, be active and have fun all while helping raise funds for this wonderful organization. Thank you to Alison Palmeter for giving us the insight into this great organization!

Evelyn Kay Club is proud to be donating to this wonderful organization! We are thankful to you, our customers, for every purchase because when you get one, we give one!!.